Nail Polish Harm Within Just 10 Hours After Using It

Nail Polish
Harm Within Just 10 Hours After Using It

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Nail Polish Ingredients Can Enter Your Blood

Most people think that nail polish isn’t absorbed since you’re not rubbing it on your skin directly however nail polish has solvents and other substances that actually increase the skin’s absorption. Contact with the cuticles can also draw chemicals into the body. In addition the inhalation of nail polish fumes can be very harmful and so can ingestion that results from nail-biting.
Researchers at Duke University tested the urine of every woman who volunteered to polish her nails for a study and found toxic ingredients in their body within 10 to 14 hours of getting their nails polished. The levels continued to rise until they reached a peak about 20 hours later.

Hidden Harmful Nail Polish Ingredients

Nail polish companies are NOT required to list their ingredients on the product label, no matter how harmful they’ve been found to be. That’s also true for top coats, removers and treatments.

Don’t Be Misled by Brands Claiming 3 to 10 “Free”

The term 3 Free to 10 Free, refers to polishes that do not contain specific ingredients (e.g. formaldehyde, toluene, dibutyl phthalate and others). For these products, specified ingredients have been phased out, but the majority of those nail polish makers are just exchanging old ingredients for newer ones that mostly exhibit the same impact on our health. What’s included is what you need to watch for - not what’s been eliminated.
The most important thing to look for is not the ingredients a nail polish omits, but all the ingredients it contains. If they don’t disclose the ingredients included it’s a sure sign of a problem.

Nail Polish Removers Can Also Be Very Harmful

Many nail polish removers contain acetone and other toxic ingredients which removes polish very quickly. These are also very harmful.

Natural Brands Can Also Be Harmful

Many nail product brands claim to be natural and safe. While they are technically a safer option, they can still have ingredients that cause serious health problems. For example, lead, cobalt, mercury, arsenic and many others are all classified as natural ingredients.

Potential Dangers of Some Toxic Ingredients Used in Nail Care Products

  • Acetone is used is used in many nail polishes and removers. It can greatly affect the cardiovascular system.
  • Triphenyl Phosphate is a highly toxic endocrine-disrupting chemical used extensively in many leading nail polish. It is linked to diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease, infertility issues, thyroid problems, increased cancer risk, and even neurodevelopmental disorders (such as ADHD, autism and a lower IQ.
  • Toluene may have an effect on the nervous system (brain and nerves). Exposure has the potential to negatively affect the human reproductive system. It may also cause liver and kidney damage. Breathing high levels of toluene during pregnancy has been shown to result in children with birth defects and to retard mental abilities and growth.
  • DBP is banned in Europe and is particularly detrimental to heart health and overall blood circulation. Likewise, this toxic may negatively affect both liver and kidney health.
  • Formaldehyde resin is recognized by the National Cancer Institute as a potential cancer-causing substance and is known to cause a loss of nerve sensation.
  • Parabens act as a preservative, and is known to cause breast cancer.
  • Lead: Lead harms almost every organ system in the body and has been linked to a huge array of negative health effects including brain and kidney damage.

Our Recommended Product

Addressing Toxic Nail Polish

Water Based Nail Polish

We are recommending a state of the art durable, quick drying, long lasting and non-toxic water based nail polish. It’s available in a wide choice of and has been proven to last a week or more and is less likely to dry out or stain the finger nails like oil based nail polish. It is possible to remove this nail polish without any toxic remover by simply soaking fingers in hot water for five minutes.

6 Benefits of This Nail Polish

Dries Easily And Quickly: It can be dried in just 5 minutes by dipping your painted nails in ice water for the 5 minutes.
Non-Toxic: This odor-free, non-toxic, biodegradable, nail polish is even good for both children and pregnant women.
Virtually Odor Free: There is no nasty odor or smell of chemical infused nail polishes.
Easy to Remove: Given that it’s water-based, there’s no need to use acetone-based removers.
Stays Longer: It can be used for your fingernails and toenails and lasts for a week or more.
Easy to Apply: Since it contains mostly water, it is extremely easy to apply. And if you make a mistake you can easily wipe it away before it dries as the water content makes it a simple process.

Many Colors to Choose From

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