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Most Harmful Products & Safer Alternatives

Hand Sanitizer Dangers

The Food and Drug Administration has recently issued warnings about 75 hand sanitizer products. Officials stated that these products contain high levels of toxic ingredients that can cause blindness if touching your eyes are even death if ingested. These chemicals can be absorbed through the skin and can result with toxic levels. The national Poison Data System reported more toxic exposure to children.


Face Wash Dangers

Many face cleansers contain ingredients dangerous to both health and skin. Some strip lipids causing wrinkles and cell damage. Some make your skin brittle and dehydrated. Some clog pores and cause breakouts. Toxic face wash ingredients have been linked to hormone production, breast cancer and infertility, including reproductive problems and birth defects.


Moisturizer Dangers

Some ingredients in moisturizers contribute to dry & flaky skin, and cause blemishes, blackheads, acne breakouts, rashes, burning, skin discoloration, redness and itching. Other included ingredients that can harm the human immune system. Some include suspected carcinogens banned in the European Union.


Eye Cream Dangers

One of the most frequently used ingredients in eye creams has recently been found to clog pores and has also been linked to cancer and immunotoxicity. Another commonly used ingredient is one of the most widely acknowledged cancer causing ingredients. Both of the above ingredients are found in the blood stream within minutes of application.


Baby Bath Dangers

Any toxic ingredient is more potent for a smaller body. More than half of children’s bath soaps, shampoos, lotions, and other personal care products tested by the group Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (CSC) were found to contain probable cancer causing ingredients. And many children soak and play in the tub with the tub for an hour or more, which adds to the danger.


Feminine Product Dangers

Vagina walls are filled with many blood vessels, which allows for a direct transfer of toxic chemicals directly into the circulatory system. Toxic ingredients used to whiten coat pads and tampons are linked to breast cancer, reproductive problems, endocrine disruptors, and more.


Toothpaste Dangers

Ingredients used in your mouth bypass your body's protective filtering systems and are absorbed directly into your blood. Overexposure to fluoride can lead to cancer, birth defects, renal failure and death. Other toothpaste ingredients banned in Canada, but sold in the U.S. are linked to breast cancer, child overactivity and more.


Deodorant Dangers

Over 50% of breast cancers start in the upper outer quadrant of the breast local to the underarm region. 1 out of 8 women are expected to develop breast cancer during their lifetime. A new study found chemicals known to cause cancer in humans in 44 out of 86 popular deodorant products studied.


Sunscreen Dangers

FDA warned, in January 2020, that 14 of 16 ingredients found in chemical sunscreens can increase infertility, birth defects, breast and other cancers. The U.S. Department of Health found a common ingredient in many sunscreens known to cause blood cancer, and suppress the immune system. The FDA found that afterjust one application sunscreen ingredients can be absorbed into the blood and remain there an extended period of time.

