Stay Safe – Save Money – Achieve the Best Skin and Hair Ever!

Finally There's an Easy Way
To Stop Using Harmful Products

  • Our Scientific Approach
    Extensive research on hair care, skincare,
    cosmetics, & household products.
  • Uncover the Truth
    Reveal the safety of the products you are using and
    put control in your hands.
  • Our Independence
    No brand or seller can influence our findings or
    information we provide.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission statement is to help as many people as possible reduce the toxic ingredients they’re putting into their bodies every day. We do this by providing independent detailed information about the safety and effectiveness of the ingredients in the products they are using or considering. When needed, we present safer and effective alternative products.

We Help Reduce the
Cost of Safer Products

A problem of avoiding toxins is that safer ingredients are more expensive than harmful ingredients. That’s why so many manufacturers use these harmful lower cost ingredients to maintain their higher profits.

To overcome this problem we have agreed to help non-toxic product manufacturers save money by paying the cost to make consumers aware of their product’s safety and effectiveness.

In return for our help, these manufacturers have agreed to use the marketing money they are saving and pay it to us as a fee. We use this money to pay a cash rebate to our members to reduce their cost to purchase safer personal care products.

Our Team's Experience
& Previous Success

Our team pioneered the development of the 401k plan and successfully got it’s acceptance by American companies. The idea was to allow employees to maintain their retirement plan if they terminated employment. Prior to the introduction of 401K, employees lost their retirement plan upon termination of employment. Our team was successful in gaining acceptance of the 401K and today it has become the primary retirement vehicle for most Americans.

Our team is now focusing on helping consumers understand the critical need of replacing toxic products that are injuring their health and the health of their families, with safer and effective alternatives, while helping them safe money when purchasing safer and effective products.

Help Your Friends and Family Stay Safe

We need your help by referring Achieve Beauty, and the information we provide, to people you know. Together we can change the personal care industry for the better, so that we all can be safer.

As our effort becomes known, we hope Congress will take the action needed to pass the ingredient safety laws to cause manufacturers to stop using toxic harmful ingredients in their products.

To help spread the word enter the names of friends you would like to refer and we will send them one, and only one, email to introduce Achieve Beauty and give them the opportunity to have their products and ingredients analyzed at no cost.

Thank you for your help in joining our efforts.

Referral's Name Referral's Email Address