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Ingredient Analysis Report

If a product photo does not appear then either the product information was not available or the product name entered is not correct.

If Your Product Photo Does Not Appear

If a product photo does not appear then either the product information was not available or the product name entered is not correct. Download our FREE Mobile app and take a picture of the product label and ingredient list.

If Product Ingredients Not Shown

If the ingredients are not shown below then either the brand has discounted manufacturing the product, or the name is wrong, or the brand does not show the ingredients on its website. For us to complete our analysis, please provide us with a website address with the correct product information, or download our FREE Mobile Phone App and take a picture of the ingredients on the product bottle or container and we will complete our ingredient analysis for you.

Ingredients On Brand Website

If Ingredients On Your Product’s Label Are Different

If you find a difference in what we show above and what’s on your product’s packaging, (e.g. different colors of the same product, or a change in formulation, etc.), download our free mobile phone app to send us a photo of the ingredients shown on your product packaging and we will revise and complete your analysis.


Some brands do not disclose a full list of ingredients for all their products. Instead they just use descriptive words, or try to impress consumers by only showing beneficial ingredients. Some brands indicate they don’t include some of the well-known harmful ingredients but don’t disclose the lesser known harmful ingredients. These tactics are a concern.


Description Of Ingredient Analysis Chart Columns

Ingredients in this Product’s Analysis Chart are listed in the order of concentration, as reported by the Brand, from highest to lowest concentration. The top 5 listed ingredients are where you want to see the most beneficial ingredients and not find any harmful ingredients.

Column 1:

Each Brand Product Website Ingredient Name Is Printed Black: Each ingredient name that is on the Brand Website, and should be on the product label, is Printed Black from the highest to lowest concentration.

Indented Names
Indented names below the Brand’s product website ingredient name are any other names for the same ingredient.

  • Printed Purple are those ingredients not on our ingredient problem lists as of this time.
  • Printed Red are those ingredients banned in either Europe, Canada, Japan, U.S. or California. Banned ingredients have been found to potentially cause health problems in any product where it is contained or when used in specific product types.
  • Printed Orange are ingredients restricted in either Europe, Canada, Japan, U.S. or California, because they can be harmful when contained above certain concentration levels or considered an Allergen and can cause allergic reactions or irritation for some people. You should patch test any product that contains an allergen or can create irritation.
  • Printed Grey are ingredients NOT banned or restricted but where we included more information we believe you should review.
Column 2:

Shows the countries or other areas where the ingredient is either Banned or Restricted

Column 3:

Indicates the Main Concerns for Banned or Restricted, or Ingredients we have provided additional information, if available. If an ingredient is considered an allergen or may cause irritation you should do a patch test as follows »

Column 4:

Shows more Information that you should know about this ingredient.

Label Ingredient Name
And Commonly Known Name if Different

Areas Where
Banned / Restricted



Our analysis is based on published data currently available to us, but we cannot represent if there are other ingredients the manufacturer has included not on our list, or if there are other problems associated with disclosed ingredients that we are not aware of. While Achieve Beauty attempts to keep all product ingredient lists on this website as accurate as possible, we do not represent or warrant that these lists are complete, reliable, up-to-date or error free. Manufacturer's change their information and may not update their websites or published Ingredient lists, Please refer to the ingredient and Regulatory Agencies list on the product packaging for the most accurate list of ingredients, and if our list is not the same, please use Our Mobile Phone App to Send Us a Photo of the Label Ingredients on Your Product or contact us at:
