Stay Safe – Save Money – Achieve the Best Skin and Hair Ever!

In Addition to Analyzing Products You’re Using
We Also Present Higher Performance
Safer Product Recommendations


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Another Way We Help You Stay Safe

In addition to providing you safety and price savings information on products you’re using
that are required to disclose their ingredients, we will also help you find safer and effective
household and other products that are not legally required to disclose their ingredients.

Avoid Harmful Cleaning Products

Cleaning products many people use do not have to meet any safety standards, and their ingredients do
not have to be disclosed. Many emit harmful fumes and include toxic chemicals linked to asthma,
cancer, reproductive disorders, hormone disruption and neurotoxicity. The Environmental Working
Group reviewed 2,000 household cleaning products and found that 53% contained harmful ingredients.

If a Product You’re Using Has Any of These Words On Its Label
Stop Using Immediately and Keep Away From Children

Here are Some Safer Replacement Products For You to Consider

Every Product We Recommend Is Certified as Non-Toxic

We Only Recommend Products That Fully Disclose Ingredients

Even Switching to ONE SAFER PRODUCT Can Protect You & Your Family

Safe & Creative Solutions For Every Day Unrecognized Problems

Harmful Ingredients Enter Your Body by Inhalation, Absorption & Ingestion
Avoid Harmful Household Sprays

A recognized Professor who extensively studied fragranced household products, reported that one-quarter of
ingredients in most air fresheners are hazardous. Pesticides emit substances associated with production of
cancer, birth defects and more. Claims like “ “all natural” do not have legal status and are marketing ploys.

Over 3.8 million People Die Yearly - Caused by Avoidable Toxic Exposures
Avoid Harmful Kitchen Products

According to Scientific American, plastic containers leach harmful ingredients into their contents
increasing risk of breast cancer and other health problems. The FDA found that chemicals in toxic
non-stick cookware are linked to liver damage, cancer, thyroid disease, infertility and more.

Avoid Products Not Disclosing All Their Ingredients

Most perfume and nail polishes don’t disclose their ingredients. The International Fragrance
Association found that 80% of fragrance compounds, and undisclosed nail polish ingredients,
have links to cancer, cardiovascular, kidney, liver problems, infertility and other health problems.

The Sooner You Start Using Safer Products
The Healthier Your Family Will be in the Future

Avoid Harmful Daily Use Products

In a recent study cancer causing ingredients, were found in 44 out of 86 popular deodorant
products studied. The World Health Organization also reported links to Alzheimer's disease,
and abrasive ingredients in many popular toothpastes strip away tooth enamel.

Safer Products Can Be Just as Effective
Without the Dangers Many People Are Unaware of

Avoid Harmful Personal Care Products

The tissues in your most intimate areas are filled with numerous blood vessels and
lymphatic vessels, allowing for direct transfer of chemicals into the blood stream. The
toxic chemicals used in pads and tampons have been linked to cancers and more.

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Our Mission Statement

  • Disclose harmful ingredients in products you’re using
  • Provide alternative action to protect you
  • Disclose where you can save money

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